What We’ve Learned after 100 Podcast Episodes
Welcome to the Leadership Vision Podcast, where we share our expertise in the discovery, practice, and implementation of a Strengths-Based approach to people, teams, and culture.
We recently celebrated the release of our 100th episode of the podcast! We’ve been at it for a little over two years, have learned a lot, and are excited about what it has become. Carrie had the great idea that we reflect on this milestone as a team.

Today on the podcast, you’ll get to hear what we’ve learned through this process, and share some of our favorite shows from the past 100 episodes.
The episode today also marks another milestone for us in that you’ll hear nearly all of our voices. Melissa Hiatt couldn’t be there, but the rest of our team was. We’ve done these team episodes before but we recorded this one during a staff meeting, on a Wednesday, from our various and varied office spaces. We used our online conferencing software which is why the quality is a little wonky at points.
I asked everyone to share their favorite episode we’ve released so far, along with something they have learned through this process. Everyone shared things that were personal, things about other team members, and also lots related to our process of building Strengths-Based people, teams, and culture.
Listen now!
Episodes Mentioned
Below is a list of the episodes our team pointed out as being some of our favorites. Take a listen then share your favorites in the comments below.
- Our very 1st episode!
- Expressing The Identity Of Your Team Through Image And Metaphor (The Notre Dame one)
- Understanding Diversity And Inclusion: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
- How One CEO Built A Strengths Based Company (the one Heather recommended)
- Four Things StrengthsFinder Cannot Tell Us About A Person (Steph’s favorite)
- The Power of Reflection (the one about killing chickens)
- An Invitation To Become A More Vulnerable Leader (the one about Vulnerability)
- Five Traits Of Effective Leadership
We’re also planning to look back at past episodes and record a 2.0 version to them. If you have suggestions or would like to hear us speak more about something we’ve already spoken about, let us know!
About The Leadership Vision Podcast
The Leadership Vision Podcast is a weekly show sharing our expertise in the discovery, practice, and implementation of a strengths-based approach to people, teams, and culture. We believe that knowing your Strengths is only the beginning. Our highest potential exists in the ongoing exploration of our talents. Subscribe to the Leadership Vision Podcast on Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Stitcher, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts. Please contact us if you have ANY questions about anything you heard in this episode or if you’d like to talk to us about helping your team understand the power of Strengths.
We would love to hear how you’ve been impacted by the Strengths movement. If you’d like to be featured on the Leadership Vision Podcast, let us know how you are using Strengths and what impact it has made. Contact us here!