Attend a June StrengthsFinder preview with Leadership Vision
It has been a busy spring for Leadership Vision as we continue to see the StrengthsFinder movement spread within organizations who are looking to make a long-term impact within their cultures. One great thing about being busy, is that we are constantly learning what works and what doesn’t from our clients.
Time and time again, we have seen that rushing through a training does not allow individuals to get the full benefits of Strengths. Sure, teams may have fun for a few hours, but there isn’t enough momentum to sustain a strengths based culture long term. People cannot learn about themselves and their teammates in two hours. This work needs time to be absorbed into the fabric of the culture in any organization.
There are no shortcuts to success in strengths based work.
It is all important and good work to continue to help people, teams and cultures become stronger through focusing on strengths. The StrengthsFinder is an amazing tool that we use in a relational and intentional way with all of our clients.
We are also learning that some of our work is difficult to explain in writing, or even in a brief conversation. This is why we would like to invite you to attend one of our upcoming preview experiences this June.
We are hosting a free, 2.5 hour preview that walks through our entire process, but in small, bite sized chunks so you can experience what it is that we do to help build strong people, strong teams and strong culture.
What you Can Expect
During the preview experience you will see why we do what we do with StrengthsFinder. You will see why we start with an education day, move to a one hour conversation with each participant, and finish with a strengths based 360 day. We will also dive into your unique StrengthsFinder results using our personalized “ThemePrint” process.
Since this is a preview experience, we also want you to be able to ask questions along the way. We will share as much about what we do as we can.
Would you consider attending one of our upcoming preview experiences in June? Both events are on a Friday, from 1:00 – 3:30 pm. Register below.
Washington, DC – June 4th
Minneapolis, MN – June 26th
Would you also consider who in your network would benefit from attending? Perhaps you live outside these two regions, but know someone local who could attend. Feel free to pass this information along. We welcome more guests at our previews. Previews are a great way for people who think about training in organizations to see if we are a good match for their needs.
When I talk about our StrengthsFinder preview, I always mention that the worst case scenario is the people who attend will learn more about their strengths, which is never a bad thing. Questions? Let us know! Hope to see you this June!