The Leadership Vision Blog & Podcast Archive
The Benefits of Stepping Back as a Leader
In this episode of the Leadership Vision Podcast, we ask how we can be more mindful of our leadership moment, that moment when leadership is asked of us and our first response is to step back before we step in. We discuss the benefits of stepping back as a leader and two ways leaders can step back and reflect before they step in and act.
Lean into Your Strengths with Self-Awareness
In this episode of the Leadership Vision Podcast, Brain and Linda lead Nathan through a 1 to 1 conversation and share how to lean into your Strengths with self-awareness.
How We Onboard at Leadership Vision
In this episode, we introduce Amy Rollinger, our wonderful new colleague who joined our team a little over four months ago (at the time of recording). We talk about those first few months on the job and what makes our onboarding process different at Leadership Vision. Whether you’re someone looking to make your own job shift or career change, or a manager who wants to know how to onboard someone in an effective way, this episode will be really helpful for you. Enjoy!
Spring Break Reflections: How Our Strengths Show Up
In this episode, Linda and Nathan reflect on recent trips they took over spring break and how they saw their Strengths show up in different situations and experiences. This exercise in reflection is an example of what we often do with clients. We ask them to use a recent event or activity or any life situation and reflect on how they saw their Strengths show up. It’s not only a way to better understand your Strengths or the Strengths of those around you, but it can also be a way to process all of life’s experiences.
How to Go Deeper in your Strengths Knowledge
In this episode of the Leadership Vision Podcast, we discuss our new and improved Strengths Communicator Training. Our next cohort is starting this summer and we would love for you to join us! Brian, Linda and I discuss what this training is all about and why you should consider going deeper in your knowledge of Strengths with the Strengths Communicator Training. Enjoy!
How the Learning Community Extends the Conversation about Strengths (Podcast)
On this episode of the Leadership Vision Podcast, Nathan Freeburg and Brian Schubring talk about how the Leadership Vision Learning Community experience further embeds the language of Strengths within an organization. The Learning Community is a culminating Team experience that integrates Strengths learning, 1 to 1 conversations, and reflective observations shared through a visual narrative. Click below to listen to the episode, then click the links in the show notes for further examples.
Three Things You Need to Understand About the Millennial Generation (Podcast)
The “millennial generation has grown up entirely in the digital age, so their lives have been well documented online, and are easier for us to dissect and criticize. Regardless of what you think about millennials, the fact of that matter is that shortly, they will dominate the American workforce and all of us would benefit greatly from understanding what motivates them.
An In-Depth Look at Strengths Communicator Training (Podcast)
To become fluent in the language of Strengths, you need to understand the behaviors behind them. These behaviors give them “meaning, depth, color, dimension, sound, timing and texture.” The behaviors, not the names, are where the uniqueness of each Strength exists. This is what participants of our Strengths Communicator Training learn to recognize. On this episode of the Leadership Vision Podcast, Nathan interviews President and CEO, Brian Schurbing, about Strengths Communicator Training. They talk about the who, what, how and why about this certification program. They also share some of the insights we’ve gleaned from participants during this process. Listen now!
Prioritize 3 Things to Build a Strengths Based Organization (Podcast)
On this episode of the Leadership Vision Podcast, Nathan talks with Linda Schubring (fellow Leadership Vision Consultant, and Director of Culture at Aeritae Consulting, a Tech Consulting company in St. Paul Minnesota), about the three elements that exist in all successful Strengths Based Organizations. Listen now to find out how to turn your organization into one that is focused on Strengths.
How Strengths Professionals Can Identify Talents and Name Strengths
The single most important factor in determining your success as a Strengths Professional is your ability to hear and identify the talents and behaviors of Strengths. Without the ability to discern the nuances and uniqueness of Strengths, we miss the transformational potential Strengths may have. The next time we are helping someone understand their Strengths, strive to identify the Talents first and name the Strength second.
Listen to the NEW Leadership Vision Podcast!
Leadership Vision is excited to announce our brand new podcast! Starting today, we’re rolling out a weekly show that will focus on how we are using Strengths to build strong People, Teams, and Organizational Culture. We hope to share our expertise in the discovery, practice, and implementation of StrengthsFinder that we have gained since we first started working with the tool in 1999. Keep reading to find out how you can listen and subscribe.
Changing the Way You See Yourself
What tape is playing in your head about who you are? Do you talk too much or are you to intense? Do you start something without thinking or never finish a single project because you want it to be perfect? What image looks back at you in the mirror? Is it positive or negative? Here are three ways to change negative images to reflect your beauty and brilliance using StrengthsFinder.
How to Effectively Use Strengths for Hiring Great People
One of the ways StrengthsFinder gets misused is in the hiring process. Hiring good people is hard. Sometimes, to short circuit the process, employers try and use StrengthsFinder as a way to find the “perfect” person with the “perfect” Strengths to fill a role. In our opinion, StrengthsFinder was never intended to be used this way.
When we work with clients who are on the journey to becoming Strengths-based organizations, we remind them that when it comes to hiring, the first step is less about the StrengthsFinder language and more about cultivating a culture focused on what’s right about people. The positive foundation shapes the rest of the complex, people-focused work.
All the Cracks We Cannot See
Anybody that knows me, knows that I love a good sale. Not the 50% off kind from Bed Bath & Beyond (meh), but the kind that takes me into people’s yards, driveways, garages, and crooked sheds. So I’m not at all put off by cracks or chips or missing pieces. I don’t mind scuff marks, frayed edges and a bit of rust. For me, that’s what makes objects interesting. The subtext here, if you’re paying attention, is that imperfection makes an object worth less.….but certainly not worthless. I believe it just needs a different spot in the world to be appreciated and worthy once again.
Seeing Strengths in the Mundane of Everyday Life
Whether you work at home or outside of the home, many hours a day are spent on menial, mundane tasks and responsibilities and simply going through everyday routines. Bethany shares three things you can do to gain a new awareness about how your Strengths show up in the mundane of everyday life.
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