The Leadership Vision Blog & Podcast Archive
Standing Still to Move Forward
On this episode of the podcast, we explore what might happen if we stand still. We talk about paying attention to what is going on around us by listening to ourselves and others, in order to gain new insights about how we are to move forward during this unprecedented time.
The Transformational Nature of Strengths
In today’s episode, we will talk about Strengths as being descriptive, generative, environmental, and transformational. Those words take some unpacking, so stick around to hear Brian, and I walk through our four differentiators, and also share a tip about how to apply the big idea to yourself or your organization.
Shaping our Identity in the Crucible of 2020
In this episode of the Leadership Vision Podcast, we invite you to reflect on this current moment to find meaning in and learning from our present world. Surrender to how this season is refining you to emerge stronger, more confident, more filled with purpose, and as passionate as ever.
How our virtual Delivery Helps Teams Deal with Real-World Business Problems
Today on the podcast, Brian and Linda Schubring and I will be recapping two of our recent virtual events. We will discuss some of our biggest takeaways from them and also share how we’ve been using our platform to discuss relevant, real-time business, and team challenges with our clients. So keep listening!
On the Importance of Rest
In this episode we talk about how to make intentional interruptions in our lives to break the flow and monotony. We’ll discuss how that can give us the space to unravel some of the knots that have have been tied around these global and national events. We hope this will remind us of who we are and what we need to flourish in these challenging times. We don’t accidentally get healthy and feel rested. It takes intentionality, discipline, and focus.
Is StrengthsFinder Beneficial for ‘Younger’ People?
Is StrengthsFinder Beneficial for ‘Younger’ People? At what age can you begin to reap the benefits of the language of Strengths? Steph explains her recent experience with a group of high school students, shares some of her concerns before taking them through StrengthsFinder, and shares what she learned. In short, yes, it’s very beneficial. Keep reading to learn why.
Join our 2017 Strengths Communicator Training
Leadership Vision is offering an opportunity for you to join the Strengths Communicator Training January 19-20 and March 2-3, 2017 in Minneapolis Minnesota. At the conclusion of these four days, you will become familiar with the complexity and behavioral nuances of each of the 34 Themes of Strength, further deepen your Strengths-based language through 12 guided conversations, and will know how to identify Strengths pairing and applications of Strengths. Keep reading to learn more.
Have We Been Answering the “Now What?” Question about Strengths Wrong?
Are you asking the right questions when it comes to StrengthsFinder? Are any of us asking the right questions? At Leadership Vision, the most common question we get from people after they have taken the test is, “Now What?” Rather than jumping into a list of our services, maybe we need to take a moment to better understand what is behind the question. Linda shares some ideas for how we can make this happen.
Harnessing an Overbearing Strength
At Leadership Vision, we believe that Strengths do not work alone, but in pairs. Sara’s Activator is influenced by her Strategic, in that, she is able to make decisions and move forward fast because she quickly surveys the potential obstacles and outcomes. But what happens when one Strength becomes overbearing? Sometimes, your judgement becomes clouded, one-sided, and you may feel un-centered. Below are some of Sara’s tactics she has practiced in an effort to harness it, and should be applicable to your Strengths journey as well.
Working Through Pain, Grief and Loss
Recently, Linda and Brian received news that a dear friend and mentor suddenly and tragically passed away. We were devastated and heartbroken…hurting for his wife and son, hurting for those influenced by his life, and grieving for our personal loss. He made a lifelong imprint on both Linda and myself as people and professionals. We did not choose this experience, we were chosen to share in this experience of grief, pain and suffering. In moments like these, you do not choose to be in pain, you just are. In moments like these, you do not choose to help, you just do. In moments like these, you do not choose to be human, you just are.
5 Lessons Learned from Coaching Using StrengthsFinder
These days, there are all kinds of coaches who can help you get fit, get ready for the SAT, run a marathon, manage your emotional intelligence and more. Our process of coaching with StrengthsFinder at Leadership Vision is customized to the needs of our clients depending on what they want to achieve, where they are at in their careers and other factors. Joseph explains below how we try to help people understand their Strengths, deal with self-awareness issues, turn their focus from themselves to others and generally be more effective in whatever setting they find themselves.
5 Simple Leadership Skills Teams Should Master
Sometimes, the most important leadership skills we need to master, are the ones that are the simplest. Aleasha reflects on what her grandparents taught her every summer at their family cabin. 5 leadership maxims that aren’t fancy or lifted from a best selling book. But they are real, honest, and wise. Indeed, they pass the critical test of time and are still relevant to the many Teams we work with today.
Navigate the Seas of Personal and Professional Transition Using StrengthsFinder
Personal and Professional Transition can be done alone or experienced with others. Whichever way you choose, professional transition and personal change provide a unique opportunity to learn about who you are, how you need relationships and what your capacities truly are. Keep reading as Brian shares some ideas for how to leverage StrengthsFinder during these intense times. Transition will only provide transformation if we take time to remember and re-learn what we have already lived.
Reflection on the Diversity within Strengths
We often look for what is common and consistent in ourselves, teams we are a part of, or our larger culture. This perspective is important, as it helps us key into what is right about us and our environments, however, it is a limited view. As we turn our kaleidoscopes, looking at what’s consistently right about People, Teams, and Culture from a variety of angles, we gain a deeper understanding and application of Strengths and the diversity therein. Keep reading as Bethany shares a reflections on the consistency and diversity that exists within our Strengths.
Using Strengths Outside our Day Jobs
Through the exponential increase in self-awareness that Strengths provides, we can be more selective about the things and people we commit ourselves to. We will have an easier time saying no to the things that do not give us life, and seeking out opportunities that do. Often, we are able to find more ways to use our Strengths in places outside of our day-jobs. Keep reading as Sara gives us some relevant examples.
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