The Leadership Vision Blog & Podcast Archive
Join Our Summer 2019 Strengths Communicator Training! (Podcast)
On this episode of the podcast, we’re talking all about our Strengths Communicator Training. In this episode, you’ll learn not only about our Strengths Communicator Training but also some of the insights we’ve gained from the hundreds of participants we’ve worked with over the past several years. On the show, I talk with our President, Brian Schubring to unpack not only our methodology for teaching others about what we do but also some common elements and universal takeaways.
Even if you can’t make the trek to Minneapolis for one of our upcoming trainings, there are insights in this show that are applicable to anyone, anywhere with an interest in getting the best out of themselves and those on their team. Listen now and click the links below for more information about our next training.
Reflecting on 20 Years of Strengths (podcast)
On this episode of the Leadership Vision podcast, Linda and Nathan reflect on how they have seen their Strengths change over the past 20 years. 2019 marks the 20th anniversary of Linda and Nathan knowing each other, and they found it interesting to reflect on the ways their Strengths have become clearer and more understood over that time. While their conversation started in the past, it shifted into where they want their Strengths to go over the next 20 years.
Do You Feel Pigeonholed in Your Strengths?
On this episode of the podcast, we feature a new monthly series of Strengths Based questions. They’re designed to help you reflect on how your Strengths have shaped who you are and provide a single action step you can take to better understand your capacity for greatest influence. In this episode we ask: Which Strengths do you feel have been pigeonholed in your life?
How to Work with Someone with Very Different Strengths than You
On this episode of the podcast, we host a conversation between two of our consultants, Logan and Carrie, and listen in as they process their journey of working with one another through their very different Strengths.
The Importance of Creating Space in our Lives
On this episode of the Leadership Vision Podcast, Carrie Jones and Nathan Freeburg talk about intentionally creating space in our lives to reflect and fill with what we need most. It’s timely and we encourage everyone to figure out what they need most to feel less frantic in life. Listen now!
Exploring the StrengthsFinder Theme of Intellection®
A person with the Strength of Intellection® likes to think. They love intellectual activity and are typically very introspective, and this thinking process is happening all up in their head. This person actually “needs” intellectual activity. And this intellectual activity is typically about many, many topics.
How our Preview Experience helps people understand our Strengths Based Approach
On Friday May 16th we hosted a preview experience at our headquarters, CoCo Minneapolis. Over 23 people from 16 different organizations joined us to: Learn more […]
Exploring the StrengthsFinder Theme of Input®
A person with the StrengthsFinder Theme of Input® is inquisitive and curious, always on the lookout for new and interesting information. People with Input® seem to want to know about everything, and they ask questions to propel them to learn even more. Input® indicates one’s ability to not just collect information but to store it, and then to retrieve it when needed.
Exploring the StrengthsFinder Theme of Individualization®
People with the Strength of Individualization® see each person as one of a kind. They are intrigued by the unique qualities of each person. They tend to have a natural ability to discover uniqueness or hidden talents without the need for an assessment or other tool.
What you Can do with StrengthsFinder in 60 – 90 Minutes
Recently we were asked if we could give some tips to help a small team lead their own 60 – 90 minute strengths event. Typically we […]
How a ThemePrint Can Express your Uniqueness
A ThemePrint is a unique expression, an imprint, of your themes of strength. A ThemePrint is an image, a visual representation of how your talents, your behaviors, express your strength. A ThemePrint also captures how strong each of your behaviors or talents are.
Exploring the StrengthsFinder Theme of Includer®
People with the StrengthsFinder Theme of Includer® are very accepting people, they want to include people and make them feel a part of the group. To them, everything is about making the circle wider, there is always room for another chair at the table.
What is the Clifton StrengthsFinder?
The Clifton StrengthsFinder identifies your unique areas of talent. We use it to help strong people make strong teams and build strong organizational culture.
What is Leadership Vision Consulting?
Millions of people have taken StrengthsFinder, and the question remains, “Now what?” People wonder, More than 95% of our clients have already taken SF, and […]
Exploring the StrengthsFinder Theme of Futuristic®
People with the Strength of Futuristic® have an incredible ability to see the future. They are dreamers and perceivers of what could be, what might be, and then in turn direct their lives toward this future. This ability to see and explain the future is what draws them forward and excites them to pursue great accomplishments.
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