The Leadership Vision Blog & Podcast Archive
Learning on the Go & Reflecting on Our Work (podcast)
On this episode of the podcast, you’ll hear a conversation between Sara and Nathan as they travel to and from a client engagement. In the first part of the show, Sara and I talk about our work with the client and share a few points of learning we hoped to have with them. In the second half of the episode, on the way back to the airport, you’ll hear them reflect on lessons learned from the group; things they were surprised by, and things that went pretty much as expected. They also share some personal and professional takeaways. There were some tremendous moments of learning, not just from the client, but for our team as well. No matter where you’re at on your Strengths journey there are some helpful insights you can take back to your team, to your organization, or maybe just implement in your own life.
What’s the Number One Responsibility of a Leader? (mini-podcast)
In this episode of the Leadership Vision podcast, we’re experimenting with a new show format called “Quick Questions with Brian!” The idea is to ask our founder and CEO, Brian Schubring, one quick question about leadership, and get his best quick answer. Brian has 30+ years of experience not only coaching and consulting with all levels of high-impact leaders but also a plethora of experience of his own as a business owner and leader in a variety of capacities and in numerous contexts.
If you have a question about leadership you’d like Brian to answer or if you’d just like to give us some feedback on this occasional format (don’t worry, this isn’t replacing the longer format focusing on Strengths and teams) contact us!
Three Types of Strengths Fit: Personal, Relational, and Environmental (podcast)
On this episode, Logan and I discuss three types of fit: Personal, Relational, and Environmental. Listen now as we unpack those three areas of fit and talk about a few things to look for to help bring some alignment around this idea. Then, evaluate your situation to determine if you are in a good Strengths fit.
All Strengths Have the Potential for Influence (podcast)
On this episode of the Leadership Vision podcast, we’re confronting the assumption that specific Strengths are good “leadership Strengths.” There’s a painful idea out there that leaders should possess particular Strengths, and if a person doesn’t have them, they won’t make for an effective leader. We think it probably comes from using one or two successful leader types as the mold by which ALL leaders should copy. An effective leader can have ANY number of Strengths combinations. There is no mold.
We’re incredibly passionate about this because you can’t look at five words on a page and presume to know how that person is using their Strengths to influence others. In this episode, we work to break down these presuppositions through the use of story.
Understanding the Diversity Within Strengths (podcast)
On this episode of the podcast, I’m chatting with our founder and president, Brian Schubring, about Strengths and Diversity. We know the word diversity means many things, but on the show, we’re using it to illustrate how a common language of Strengths can lead us to a greater understanding of the things that make us unique. Most often, when someone goes through an experience with Strengths, they receive their top 5 Themes and those words describe things about them. Many times, there’s an alignment happening around those words but what they mean for each person can be significantly different based on any number of factors. It’s all very positive and helpful but what we’re doing at Leadership Vision is taking it a step further. You’ve probably heard us refer to this before, but we take a behavior-based approach to interpreting and understanding Strengths at a talent level. Listen NOW to learn more!
How we Helped Build a Strengths Based Culture
Using StrengthsFinder to work with clients on a long term basis is some of our most rewarding work. When you’re in the same organization for […]
Exploring the StrengthsFinder Theme of Analytical®
Have you ever worked with someone who is known for responding to any kind of situation or task by asking, “Why?” “How do you know?” “Where did you learn that?” “Well, Why?” This person may have the Strength of Analytical®.
Why is Finding a Great Job Fit so Difficult?
Over the past decade I have had the honor of working with dozens of organizations and individuals around the topics of maximizing productivity, increased self-awareness […]
Exploring the StrengthsFinder Theme of Adaptability®
Have you ever seen those people who can walk into any situation or any environment both calm and excited? Do you know someone who seems to really be okay with change… and even helps lead others through a change process? Or that person who seems to not plan ahead, but always seems to get the job done. These people may have the Strength of Adaptability®.
When Strengths are Misunderstood
My son has a board book called “Baby Penguins Everywhere.” It’s the story of one lonely penguin, who suddenly finds herself surrounded by dozens and […]
How we Create Strong Teams
What do we mean by Strong Teams? There are many examples we might use. A championship winning sports team, an award winning musical ensemble, or […]
Exploring the StrengthsFinder Theme of Activator®
Have you ever sat across the table from someone in a meeting who is antsy and fidgety and eager to stop talking and start moving? Have you ever noticed the person who seems to always be in motion in every area of her life? Can you think of someone who starts one exciting project after another after another? These people might have the Strength of Activator®.
A Tribute to a Strengths Legend: Chip Anderson
When I started working with the StrengthsFinder assessment tool in 2001, I had the extreme privilege of studying and learning about the tool from one […]
Exploring the StrengthsFinder Theme of Achiever®
Have you ever wondered to yourself, “How does that person get so much work done?” Or, “They just keep working and working, doing more and more, do they ever slow down or get tired?” That’s the Strength of Achiever®.
Exploring the StrengthsFinder Theme of Harmony
Do you know those people who seem to always know what a team has in common? Have you met people that are calm in conflict and know just what to say to diffuse the tension in a group…or a family? Have a you met a very confrontational person who seems to always be stirring up conflict—but his real motive is to bring back peace and order? Do you know the people who innately know what pieces need to come together, or what notes need to be played to have the best result? The best sound? These people may have the strength of Harmony.
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