Exploring the strength of Adaptability
I have always been a “go with the flow” kind of person. I certainly like things a my way, but when things don’t go my […]
Descriptions of the 34 Clifton StrengthsFinder Themes
I have always been a “go with the flow” kind of person. I certainly like things a my way, but when things don’t go my […]
The StrengthsFinder Theme of Ideation® is a powerful addition to any team. They are catalytic because they can come up with creative ways to solve problems that otherwise seemed impossible. They can also get lost in their own world, so make sure you work to understand how this Strength works in that person.
Have you ever noticed someone who makes great decisions over and over, but it takes her a long time to do so? Do you know those people who are quiet throughout a whole meeting and then all of a sudden, in 2 sentences, they capture what needs to be done, said, or considered? Who are those people who just need a little more time to weigh the options? These people may have the Strength of Deliberative®.
The tension was palpable. Behind the sanctuary of the Cathedral of St. Paul, eight adults huddled over their VisionTrekk instructions, squinting at the minutely printed […]
Continuing on in my mini series about my own strengths and how they play out in my day to day life, today I focus on […]