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To learn more about developing your Strengths, the Strengths of your team, or the Strengths of your organization, read our blog and listen to our podcast. Below is some of our most recent content.
Strengths 101
A 5-part course introducing the philosophy and application of your Top 5 Themes of Strength.

Seeing Strengths from a New Perspective
A 6-part Online Course to Expand Your Understanding and Expertise in the application of Strengths.
Latest Videos
The Leadership Vision Podcast is a weekly show sharing our expertise in the discovery, practice, and implementation of a Strengths-Based approach to people, teams, and culture.
It is our objective to shape a culture that intentionally aligns people around a Strengths philosophy. We believe that ultimately it is on a team where people gain insight into others while sharpening their own Strengths potential, capacity, and influence.
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