The Importance of Understanding Everyone Has Strength
Sometimes when working on a team, it can be difficult to see what makes your colleagues unique. Often it is our differences that get between […]
Sometimes when working on a team, it can be difficult to see what makes your colleagues unique. Often it is our differences that get between […]
A ThemePrint is a unique expression, an imprint, of your themes of strength. A ThemePrint is an image, a visual representation of how your talents, your behaviors, express your strength. A ThemePrint also captures how strong each of your behaviors or talents are.
The Clifton StrengthsFinder identifies your unique areas of talent. We use it to help strong people make strong teams and build strong organizational culture.
Over the past decade I have had the honor of working with dozens of organizations and individuals around the topics of maximizing productivity, increased self-awareness […]
Strengths are generative: a strength produces life in you and in others. This is one of the most fundamental and enduring principals of StrengthFinder™ recurring […]