Three Ways Strengths Can Help You Deal with Setbacks
Welcome to the Leadership Vision Podcast, our show helping you build a positive team culture. Our consulting firm has been doing this work for the past 25 years, ensuring that leaders are mentally engaged and emotionally healthy.
In this episode, Melissa Hiatt and I explore the idea of setbacks and what, if anything, our Strengths can do to help us get through them. Setbacks are part of life; how can we lean into them and perhaps get something out of the experience? How can we use everything that happens to us as an opportunity to practice using our Strengths, to practice being resilient, or to even practice self-compassion?
How do our Strengths help us when we’ve experienced a setback?
This is the question that I posed to fellow leadership consultant and colleague, Melissa Hiatt. I recently experienced a bit of a setback and wanted to process it with someone who knows me and my Strengths and to learn how I could process the setback in a way that would be helpful to myself, but also maybe in a way that was a bit vulnerable and could be helpful to you, dear listener, as well.
Melissa and I came up with three main takeaways from our conversation. Ask yourself the following questions to learn how your Strengths can help you deal with setbacks.
1. How do your Strengths help you to be buoyant?
What’s your buoyancy Strength? When you experience a setback however bigger or small, is there a Strength that you lean on? Is there a Strength that you know will help you through a challenging moment or time?
Find out how your Strengths help you and lift you up in challenging moments to figure out your way forward.
2. How do your Strengths help you connect and make meaning?
When you experience a setback, how do you find meaning in it? How do you connect with others in the experience?
You either own your story or it owns you. So you either own it, I applied for a job and I didn’t get it. Or you hide from it constantly and protect yourself from people finding out. Shame grows when there is secrecy, silence, and judgment. The more you talk about a setback with someone, the less control it has over your life.
3. How do your Strengths help you refine or refocus?
When a setback happens, how do you reimagine and refocus in order to move forward?
Refining after a setback can help you understand what you value and care about. Our purpose and our values are usually forged during times of struggle.
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About The Leadership Vision Podcast
The Leadership Vision Podcast is a weekly show sharing our expertise in the discovery, practice, and implementation of a strengths-based approach to people, teams, and culture. We believe that knowing your Strengths is only the beginning. Our highest potential exists in the ongoing exploration of our talents.
Please contact us if you have ANY questions about anything you heard in this episode or if you’d like to talk to us about helping your team understand the power of Strengths.
If you’d like to be featured on the Leadership Vision Podcast, let us know how you are using Strengths and what impact it has made. Contact us here!